The short answer is:
I really love seeing people in love, while doing what I love.
The long answer:
I was 19 years old and studying film in college. I had dreams of seeing my name scrolling by wicked fast with hundreds of others on a giant screen.
Well, that dream shifted when I was asked to film a wedding for a friend. At first I was ecstatic! Are you kidding me, making money while doing something as easy as filming a wedding? Sign the check! Even better, some of these people are charging THOUSANDS of dollars.
The only check I got that day was a reality check. I was nervous out of my mind, had two batteries to a Canon t5i that were dead as soon as they were off the charger, and had no clue if the first look was something people wanted filmed. Ooof who hired this guy?
After the wedding was over I was defeated, sweaty, and tired.
But, when I started the edit and was able to step back from my anxiety ridden day. I realized how magical it is to film someones wedding day.
This is a once in a lifetime event that has no take-backs or redos. This is real people agreeing to a very real and lifelong commitment. Who cares what they heck they are doing in Hollywood!! THIS is a real love story and nobody is acting (hopefully). What a privilege it is to capture those sweet moments. It is one day that will be remembered forever. I am capturing something that will last longer than our lifetimes. Grandkids will get to experience their grandparents wedding day as if they were there. They get to see all the tender moments away from the crowd. I mean c'mon who doesn't want to film weddings.
From then on, I dedicated myself to learning the craft of wedding filmmaking. It is something that truly makes me happy. Don't tell anybody this, but I often cry while editing y'all's wedding because of ALL THAT LOVE! It's truly what we are on this earth to do.
After my first wedding I realized it's not about the "gig".
This film is the most anticipated film in that couples lives.
It is my responsibility to capture and create a watchable memory that will last a lifetime. That is why our tagline is "Memories in Motion".
That is why I'm hooked on weddings.